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Service provider Troostwijk-Roux Expertises BV

1° the name, address and, if applicable, the CBE number of the service provider:
Troostwijk-Roux Expertises BV
Verbindingsdok-Westkaai 12A
2000 Antwerp
CBE number: 0731.752.261

2° the EU MOSS or Belgian VAT number of the party responsible for remitting the VAT on the collected funds:
VAT number:  0731.752.261

3° the description of the service:
Troostwijk-Roux Expertises is available 24/7 via the emergency number 070 233 880. By dialing this number, even if the office is closed, you will get someone on the line to report your claim.

4° The URLs used by the service:
How can end users find the payment number out there? The payment number can be found on our website with specific reference to URL around all the info to comply with BIPT legislation.

5° total price of the service:
0.30 € per minute.

6° The contact address, email and national telephone number whose call charges per minute do not exceed those for a call to a geographic number, for complaint handling:
Verbindingsdok-Westkaai 12A
2000 Antwerp
+32 3 287 62 85

7° if applicable, the number of the license according to the Law of May 7, 1999 on gaming, betting, gaming establishments and the protection of players and its implementing decrees:
Not applicable.

8° the start date and end date of the service;
Start date of the service: January 1, 2010
End date: December 31, 2099

the data listed above that were applicable during the past 6 months, if differing from the current data.
Not applicable.

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